Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Mr Cheeky turns 4!

After a whole year of waiting, waiting and a bit more waiting the long awaited day arrived. This was the day that Mr Cheeky would get his Peter Rabbit cake. The moment we cut into his Fireman Sam cake on his 3rd birthday, his 4th birthday cake was already in the planning. I was nervous about this cake though, we are talking about a legend here...everyone knows what Peter Rabbit looks like and I was meant to create it out of icing and sponge. Now the finished result turned out more like a rabbit who had enjoyed too many cakes himself but Mr Cheeky didn't mind the slightly rotund rabbit with comical ears, it was his cake and his Peter Rabbit.

We celebrated his special day with the people we love the most and enjoyed a lovely roast dinner and made sure there were plenty of balloons as requested.

Of course birthdays are often a time to reminisce over the years and as I look back on my son's short life I of course fill to the brim with love and tears. He is a delight to be with, such a colourful character and a unique personality. He has been hard work at times as he is strong willed but abounds in love and affection. He still loves me tucking him in bed each night and cuddles in the morning and I hope this continues a while longer yet. My baby boy turned 4, praise the Lord!

Saturday, 14 June 2014

World Cup Fever

Every 4 years the country goes crazy for the world cup even if football is not your sport it may surprise you how involved you get in the worldwide event.

I am not a football fan, to me the premier league, champions league and FA cup make my heart sink. They seem to last forever and always end in disappointment or most of the time. Mr Faithful is a huge Liverpool fan so consequently I seem to have given birth to 3 Liverpool fans (I suppose you may need to experience life in Liverpool to really understand this). However the world cup I can deal with and actually enjoy somewhat. And although you may never see me wearing a Liverpool strip I do have an England vest, which I am sporting today along with all my boys in their England t-shirts and will cheer on our country (because we all know the team can hear us in Brazil!).

So I decided to make the world cup into a learning opportunity and got out out giant map of the world, paper and colouring pencils and got busy making all 32 flags from the participating countries and then found the countries on the map. Europe looks quite dense does it not!

Mr Social got very involved and did most of the work whereas Mr Cheeky likes finding the countries the most.

What we do!

We are a homeschooling family...we play, we laugh, we learn! Every day is an adventure with countless possibilities of fun and learning. I do try and make plans of an evening and have a guide of what I would like the boys to achieve but often by midmorning my planning has taken a back seat as the boys interests take the lead. This is OK, really it is. Mr Social has only just turned 5 so his education is very flexible. The topics I cover every day in some form or other are bible scripture memory, reading and handwriting, and other subjects are covered as and when.

For instance the start of the world cup led my football crazy boys to have a geography lesson as we made all 32 participating countries flags and mapped them out on a giant floor map.

I am happy with this flexible approach to achieve education in these early years, I have ideas for a more structured curriculum for when Mr Social is older but right now we are having fun discovering the world around us and learning to read.

Our days are having often busy but what an exciting opportunity to learn alongside my children and be able to give them the best education!

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Who am I?

Hello there blogosphere! As this is the first post I shall provide an introduction to who I am and what I do.

You can call me Mrs Creative or as I am more commonly known by my children, Mum, the big M and occasionally washer woman (or that's what it feels like). I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, and servant of God. I have got a degree with honours in Law, worked as an insurance broker and legal secretary and now I work in the home as a mother to 3 adorable children, home educate and dabble in a craft business.

So what about my family?

Well there is my husband. He will be affectionately known as Mr Faithful. He works hard for the family despite not enjoying his job and serves our local church diligently. He is dependable and my rock. I love him more than words can say.

Now for my children. Let's start with Mr Social. A friendly 5 year old with a sensitive nature. Loves to be around people, enjoys a spot of football, and immerses himself in books. Next is Mr Cheeky, a lively 3 year old with an impish personality. He loves to climb and swing from most items of furniture but can often spend lots of time solving puzzles and pretending to be a dog (I've stopped asking him why!). Last but not least is Mr Smiley, a gorgeous 3 month old baby he loves to smile at anyone. He lights up my day and makes me forget any troubles that may have innocent and peaceful.

Well that's my family. Tomorrow I will tell you what we do!