Every 4 years the country goes crazy for the world cup even if football is not your sport it may surprise you how involved you get in the worldwide event.
I am not a football fan, to me the premier league, champions league and FA cup make my heart sink. They seem to last forever and always end in disappointment or most of the time. Mr Faithful is a huge Liverpool fan so consequently I seem to have given birth to 3 Liverpool fans (I suppose you may need to experience life in Liverpool to really understand this). However the world cup I can deal with and actually enjoy somewhat. And although you may never see me wearing a Liverpool strip I do have an England vest, which I am sporting today along with all my boys in their England t-shirts and will cheer on our country (because we all know the team can hear us in Brazil!).
So I decided to make the world cup into a learning opportunity and got out out giant map of the world, paper and colouring pencils and got busy making all 32 flags from the participating countries and then found the countries on the map. Europe looks quite dense does it not!
Mr Social got very involved and did most of the work whereas Mr Cheeky likes finding the countries the most.