Tuesday 7 April 2015

My very own notice board for planning the home

I have had a busy week on the computer but it wasn't blogging that was occupying my time but designing a notice board. For a while now I have wanted to make a board that was easy to use and for everyone to look at so we all would know what we needed to achieve that week and although I have not quite finished here is what I have got so far.

I am quite pleased with how it has turned out so far. I purchased a cork notice board for a mere £2 a while ago and whilst painting Mr Smiley's bedroom I used some of the yellow paint to paint the wooden edge to the board. Once done I had cut a selection of patterned papers to decorate the background and found a selection of pushpins to add to it. And for 4 months there it stood waiting for me to do something with it. Well I finally bit the bullet this weekend and designed a few items to go on.

This idea for a reward chart I got from pinterest. Each morning they boys (represented by the red and blue button) start on great job, behaviour above what I ask for gets them up to amazing and poor behaviour sees them move down. If they hit consequence then on top of our usual discipline they will lose a privilege but if they end up on amazing at the end of the day they gain a privilege. Mr Social was very concerned to hit warning yesterday that he promptly looked at my chore chart and went and did the vacuuming not only downstairs but upstairs as well.

I have been planning meals weekly for some time now but it made sense to make these plans public. Firstly I may now avoid the question of "What's for tea?" which causes my shoulders to sag sometimes as it is a constant reminder that my jobs are never done (I have been lacking motivation in the kitchen recently and I hope that this will help give me a boost again too). Secondly, I hope to inspire my family to go in the kitchen and help create these meals too as a chaotic 1 yr old is currently hampering my efforts in the kitchen (he does love my cupboards and drawers).

The main body of the board is our school plan. There are eight spaces for each day and I have included only Monday to Friday as the weekend is our family time. Now we all know what the plan is for each day and the hope is to have instructions for each topic for the day to be left next to the notice board so that I may encourage some independent working if they feel inclined to do so. I feel this may become of more use as they get older as only Mr Social is able to read yet. As soon as the list for the day has been achieved then we can either go out or have free playtime. The work I set is definitely able to be completed within a morning.

The to do list...I could have a lot of things listed here but only chose a few things that the boys would be able to help with so in the event they wanted to they could do a task for me. They are expected already to keep their bedroom tidy, clear toys away, clear table after meals and help with the dishwasher so these things didn't end up on the list.

Memory verse corner...we are using the Charlotte Mason approach to scripture verse learning and the current verse we are attempting to commit to memory goes on the board.

And finally I added 2 verses from the bible that I really like and also need reminding a lot.

I hope to add a section for the date and some more verses but for now we have a useable notice board.

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